Recent Publications and Performances

Poems from the matchstick litanies have been featured on Verse Daily (see “remembrance day“) and on the publisher’s instagram (see “my mother is the center of this house“).

“chrysanthemums”, a poem in honor of Gloria Anzaldua, was published in the Esperanza Peace & Justice Center‘s La Voz newsletter. Check it out here.

My guest curation of hybrid and prose works for OyeDrum is up here. There are some really wonderful works!

Huizache Magazine published two pieces from my forthcoming book in issue 8. Copies can be purchased online.

eye wall”, a short story I wrote in honor of my Uncle Osvaldo Boitell is available at The Acentos Review.

A few poems from the “my body” series of poems that bring in animals and nature were published by Switchgrass Review and can be found here.

Poet and translator Violeta Orozco translated several of my pieces in the Nueva York Poetry Review. Find these poems here.

riverSedge, the journal of UT-Rio Grande Valley, recently published two poems from my chapbook, mouth. I’m in good company too! Check out the issue here.

Switchgrass Review, based in Corpus Christi, TX, just released their newest issue. “aubade : wildness” and “attachment style”, two of my recent poems, are in very good company. Find the issue here.

bitter oranges“, a micro-essay featured at NYU’s Intervenxions.

Three poems up at OyeDrum Magazine. They also invited me for an discussion on their podcast with host, musician and songwriter Hilary Davies. Listen in as we discuss queer identity, hybridity in writing, what it means to parent and the ideas around womanhood.

The 90th anniversity of the Battle of Puebla still finds Mexican/Central American/Indigenous communities pushing against American systems meant to tear down these communities systemically. A group of poets (including Mauricio Novoa and Gris Munoz) were invited to read in honor of the victory in this battle and in recognition of the ways we are still working through this confluence of cultures. Stream the video here.

Scalawag Magazine’s new series, poetry & playlists, features a poem and a 5 song playlist that works with that poem. My poem, chicharras, is one in this series! Check it out here.

La Voz de Esperanza featured work by Latina poets with new book releases in its April 2019 publication. Published in conjunction with the April 6th reading at the Esperanza Peace & Justice Center.

[longing] a new poem, up at Cloud Women’s Quarterly.

Find three of my recent poems at Chachalaca Review. This review is pretty great. You should send your work here.

Windward Review chose me for the Author Spotlight in June 2020 (Pride Month!). http://www.windward-review.com/authors-spotlight/jo-reyes-boitel